
I grew up being constantly torn apart by the daily struggle of trying to straddle my two great loves: math and reading.

After calculating that my chance of making a paradigm-shifting discovery in mathematics was roughly .00198273%, I decided to pick a new career via dartboard and ended up in advertising. It’s not where my dart landed (which was the floor, because I suck at darts), but hey, that’s life.

In my spare time, I still pursue my other interests: building furniture, watching HGTV, doing puzzles, those dumb math problem books you get in airports (and I buy in bulk online) and my true passions: being constantly tired and falling asleep everywhere.

You can always pick me out of a crowd - I'm the one wearing all black preaching to anyone who will listen about The Great Dolly Parton. You might know her from funding a vaccine, but she’s been an Unlikely Angel for decades and I absolutely will go on about her at length if given the chance.

A fun fact is that my dad is cooler than your dad, because mine saved me from a bear once. Which was not at all fun at the time.

The password is always just password.