NAMLE: Media Monsters


THE BRIEF: NAMLE (the National Association for Media Literacy Education) had a presence that wasn’t bringing enough attention to an incredibly important issue, at a very crucial time. They needed a campaign and presence that would help educate everyone from kindergarteners to grandparents, on a very limited budget.

THE IDEA: Agenda-driven media is all around us. But all of us make the issue worse, because we all make terrible media choices - like not checking sources or believing every salacious headline without reading the article or sharing unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. It turns out, we’re all media monsters! But the key to media literacy, and leaving our monster state, is recognizing our own monstrous behaviors.

We created a group of media monsters, each corresponding to their own type of media illiteracy, with personalities and physical traits to go with. We used them to revamp the NAMLE website, and, along with some provocative headlines, create a social campaign focused on education. And to drive home the point and encourage people to do their research, we presented each post from a different fake organization that led back to NAMLE.

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See it for yourself here.

Copy: Meghan O'Neill

Art: Divya Seshadri

Design: David Balsamello, Dylan Schnurman, & Taryn Kealani

Creative Directors: Jason Pierce & Quinn Katherman